June 18, 2004
xStarter 1.50
- Fully re-engineered complex format of time. Now it's possible to start tasks by list of specified time masks. Each mask can be simple or complex.
- New statement TextLoop. With it now possible to make email triggers.
- Was added option for sending ICQ messages.
- Was added option for sending network messages.
- Was added action for deleting emails from ISP server. Emails can be deleted by some cases what can be entered via action SearchText.
- Action SearchText now return matches of looked for text block in source text (with using regular expressions only).
- Full context help included now.
- Fixed: Some errors with statements.
May 22, 2004
xStarter 1.41
- Now with xStarter possible to make some operations with windows: close, maximize. minimize, hide, etc.
- Was added new option CheckMail. This action have result parameters MessCount, MessSubjects and MessTexts. So, this parameters can be used to trigger some other actions if come text will be founded in any from it.
- Programs can be launched now in Normal, Maximized, Minimized or Hided states.
- Was added action to OpenWebPage.
- File events was divided. So, now possible independence select file create, modify, delete.
- Was added option to Ask question. It have result Yes.
Was added German language. A lot of thanks to Alexander Graef.
- Fixed: Errors with operations wtih actions in task action list.
- Fixed: Tasks don't started with xStarter launching.
May 7, 2004
xStarter 1.40
- xStarter now can work as NT service.
- Functions support. All text fields at all plugins can include fields like {COMPUTERNAME}. Then task started this field will replaced to an value.
- Event parameters (results) can also be filled at task fields. For example, if the task starts after some filesystem event occured, at all actions possible enter {FILEEVENT.NEWFILE} and after execution it will replaced to value.
- Results of execution previous action in task action sequence can be filled at params. For example, if first action is exam differs of two text files, when second action can include [COMPARE1.SRCDIFF] and this parameter will replaced by value from previous action.
- Task can be started after some NT event occured (application,
system). Events can be filtered. - Plugin for operations with text files. It include writing to log file, comparing two text files, searching text in file or text block (regular expression supported as well).
- ShowMessage action can be showed with icon.
- Fixed: Error "Network path was not found".
- Fixed: Other errors.
April 12, 2004
xStarter 1.34
- Folders synchronizing feature.
- Plugin for files uploading to FTP server.
- Tray quick menu now include time when action will be started.
- Fixed: Error what excepted when xStarter finish.
- Fixed: Some other errors.
March 31, 2004
xStarter 1.33
- Possibility to record and play keyboard and mouse macroses.
- Tray menu now can be used for quickly tasks running.
- Tray menu include now history of quick action starts.
- Support for starting tasks on event when files are changed/created/deleted.
- Plugin for memory free.
- In xStartUI now possible to copy tasks.
- Fixed: Some errors.
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