
Sick of repeating the same tasks?
Want windows to do the boring repetitive actions for you?

xStarter is like having the ability to write your own programs without doing any programming and it is very easy to use- It is designed for people with only basic computer skills.

xStarter allows you run a series of programs from one key press or at a time you decide.

Most programs you use are typically limited to one task. To get useful work done most of us need to run a series of programs such as:

Opening a report (spreadsheet)
Importing some data from a file (using a spreadsheet macro)
Save and close the spreadsheet
Zip the spreadsheet (compress it)
Back up the spreadsheet to CD (your personal backup)
Dial up the internet
Email the zipped file as an attachment to your boss
Sit and check the file has been sent
Disconnect from the internet
Delete the data file
Make a coffee and take a break !

This whole complicated and time consuming sequence can be run by xStarter

OK so it won't make the coffee but it will pop up a message on the screen (or email) if the process fails, so you can do something about it, before the boss starts asking .

Do you ever check windows event viewer for system error reports ?
No ?
You should - it may contain vital warnings that your system is about to fail or backups not completing. Get xstarter to pop up a message each time a warning is generated.

Another example:
You can monitor NT events for a particular error , take a screen shot and then email it your IT staff complete with time, date and user information all automatically.

Automate internet and network Connections:
Automate internet connections dial up silently this stops users interrupting the dial up.
Download files from an FTP site. For example - virus definitions.
Automate connections to network shares.
For Example:
Map a drive or initiate VPN, enter password, synchronise some data, then disconnect the mapped drive or VPN - all automatically and reliably performed by xstarter and invisible to the user.

You decide when each task runs or run it manually by a hotkey (you also decide which key).

Below is a list of some of the individual tasks that xstarter can perform remember that you can string them together in any sequence ! This is the real power of xstarter.

Run or terminate any program, batch file, process, CLI command with switches
Run or stop any service
Send a key stroke e.g F1 key, letter key G, + key
Copy or delete files
Synchronise the files between two directories (good for backing up purposes)
Create, Add, Delete Zip files
Search for files or text within a text file
Send messages to your computer or a networked computer by pop up, email or ICQ
Force logoff, reboot or shutdown of the computer.
Send an email with attachments, attachment or text can come from another xstarter task such as a screen shot or error message,
Record a windows macro. Records the use of the mouse and keyboard entries. Replay the mouse and keyboard actions from a specified hotkey or at a scheduled time.

Use simple IF statements to decide what to do next based on the outcome of the previous task. For Example
A file (file X) was found email it to the boss,
A file (file X) was not found Send an error message to the screen and email the error to yourself.

xStarter is probably the most practical and versatile Windows utility available anywhere and it is easy to use.

Saves time, Saves mistakes and Saves money !

Sounds too good to true ? not by any means - this review was originally written for us by an xstarter customer, completely voluntarily. Try it, use the examples, and you will soon discover that you have the most powerful tool available for controlling windows.



"Great product - it has quite literally endless uses and is much easier and
neater then messing about with batch files and task scheduler."

Paul Arnell

"xStarter is simply amazing. I accidentally ran into it and after using it I discovered its vast multitude of usability and options that it can provide to the end-user. The support is simply amazing; it even got personalized when I had some special requirements and requests. xStarter is suitable for anyone running repetitive file copying and executing scripts on local PC or server, it has many more options which I haven't discovered yet unfortunately, because I don't need them. I can't but praise the authors' attention to problems and solutions; every time I contacted them they seemed to re-create almost every situation in their local software environment and provided a prompt and well-implemented solution to my problems. So, after my experience with xStarter I cannot but highly recommend it to anybody that would like to turn his computer into a highly automated device which provides efficient performance without any user inputs at all. I rate it with 5 stars, it actually makes my days worriless."

Dusan Stojanovic

"I'm using xStarter for a long time to periodically refresh certain files from my server in my computer, it can be used to automatically update various definition files and so many other tasks. I am very satisfied. Especially the new version which makes it possible to trigger the event when something get changed (a new file for example). It even sends me email so I know exactly when the update occurs... Awesome!"

Brighton, UK

"xStarter blows away the competition when it comes to automating tasks
on a PC. There was a feature I requested for doing serial events, and
within a few hours Alex had already added it to the program and released
a new version. Now THAT is what I call customer service. This software
