December 21, 2005
xStarter 1.72
- Dutch language has been updated. A lot of thanks to Henk van der laan.
- New option to launch tasks by keywords. E.g. it's possible to specify keyword "task1" end after entering of such word in any Windows program task will be runned.
- Added option to search text with regular expressions in "greedy" mode.
- New action WakeUpOnLan allows waking up a computer on the LAN, if they have such an option in their BIOS.
- New action GetMACAdress return MAC address of computer in local network. Computers must have the active NetBIOS protocol in their network preferences.
- New action MessageToTCPIPClient allows you to send messages back to computer-sender of message in the TCP/IP Listener. E.g. it's possible to send message back to the telnet session on another computer or in the PHP script on your website.
- Event TCP/IP Listener now return RemoteIP and RemotePort. After analysis of the values it's possible to permit running of task or not.
- Event TCP/IP Listener now has the option to listen to packets only on selected IP address of local computer.
- Action list now can be extended via buttons in the list title. This option allows you to see all action parameters.
- Action CheckMail now returns values MessFrom and MessTo.
- Fixed error with enabling/disabling of task with TCP/IP Listener event.
- Fixed error with variables having the same names.
- Other minor bugs fixed.
November 21, 2005
xStarter 1.71
- Action SearchFolders now have option Don't search in subfolders.
- Now it's possible to specify mail Importance, Codepage, ReplyTo in the action SendMail.
- New functions DayOfWeek and ISODayOfWeek.
- Fixed error with global variables showing.
- Fixed error with passwords storing.
- Fixed other minor bugs.
October 17, 2005
xStarter 1.70
Italiano language has been added. A lot of thanks to Francesco Musella.
German language has been updated. A lot of thanks to Christian Heutger.
- New action ReplaceText .
- New actions UpperText and LowerText to convert text in uppercase and lowercase.
- New actions ExitTask and ExitLoop .
- Now it's possible to shift tasks inside sections using Drag and Drop operations.
- A feature has been added to select what actions and statements will be launched in a task. A button on the toolbar called “Enable/disable actions selecting” is now available.
- You can now use the Else in the If statement condition.
- Action SynchronizeFolders now contain fields to specify included and excluded files in the synchronization process.
- Each task now can contain description (Additional Tab) with simple html tags inside.
- New action FtpCreateFolder .
- Action FTPDelete now contains option to delete folders from FTP server.
- Action LaunchedProcessCount can return number of executed processes by specifying the file mask. E.g. it's possible to know how many processes ran with file mask *.exe or win*.exe .
- In the window “Parameter selection” it's possible now to select variables.
- In the action CheckMail , it is now possible to select how to save email attachments when files already exist in the directory: overwrite existing, save with unique file name or don't save.
- Action SendMail can now send several files in the attachment. Files can be specified by files list (separated by semicolon) or by files mask (e.g. *.txt;*.doc).
- Added new action to work with date and time: GetDateTime , GetDateTimeBetween . Using this action, it's possible to delete all files in a specified folder that are 2 weeks old (Deleting/Purging old files).
- New action UnZip , support file types: zip, gzip, cab.
- In the actions Zip and Backup it's possible now to select compression level.
- Action Zip now supports relative and absolute paths.
- It's possible now to setup internal task variable from the command line. For example, you can create a task that creates a shortcut on the desktop and in the Target field, add text at the end: - set myvar1="hello1" set var2="hello friend". If any action of this task will contain variable value {MYVAR1}, then this variable will be replaced by value from command line hello1.
- xStarter now has the option in the program Preferences to select the folder where to store sections with tasks and program log files.
- An option has been added to check file corruption errors during FTP operations – option Check XCRC. This option is supported by a limited number of FTP servers.
- An error has been fixed in the statement If . Now all comparisons are being processed in the types of compared variables.
- Fixed error with action FtpSyncUpload, it was not previously coping files in binary mode.
- Fixed other minor bugs.
August 14, 2005
xStarter 1.66
- Fixed problem with action Synchronize folders.
August 11, 2005
xStarter 1.65
- SysLogMessage - now it's possible to send messages to SysLog server.
- NTEventLogMessage action - this action allows to write your own messages in the NT Event log.
- MessageViaTCPIP - Now it's possible to send some strings to TCP/IP host, e.g. to xStarter installed on another network computer or to any other program what can process this data.
- Now there are new events available by which tasks can be launched: TCP/IP socket listener. With this event it's now possible to run tasks then xStarter receives commands or simple strings from another programs, devices, computers. For example: it's now possible to run tasks through commands from your website.
- All FTP related actions are now added with "Passive mode" option for passive FTP connections.
- FTPSyncDownload action now contain option "Copy only files created or modified during last N days". It can be useful for coping only recent files.
- Synchronization action provides a powerful option to "Copy only recent files". It also allows to not copying files in the target folder if files are newer on the source folder. For example It can be used, for synchronizing desktop and laptop computers and not overwriting newer files on another side.
- Also there are new possibility to copy only new or changed files in third folder called as “Differences dir”. It can be useful for sending to your customers only changed or new files from last sending.
- New fields "CC" and "BCC" in the action SendEmail.
- Previously xStarter action WindowCommand could not close some application windows (e.g. Internet Explorer) due to a Microsoft Windowslimitation. Now WindowCommand action has an added option to "Terminate application if unable to close window" to overcome this limitation.
- It's now possible to terminate working task in the UI, to launch only one action from the actions list.
- This new version now provides function to duplicate any action in the task (but not statement) and Drag&Drop function which can be used to copy action into another tasks.
- Some bugs fixed.
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