This Action is designed for logging off the current user from the computer (without shutting down or rebooting the computer).Force Applications to Close
During computer shutdown, some running applications can possibly ask a user something on their closure. For example, Microsoft Word having unsaved documents would ask a user to save the changed documents before shutting down.
If the setting is turned off, then if there are running programs that pop up prompts requiring user input, the computer will not be turned off. Therefore, if there are unsaved documents in running applications, the computer will not be turned off.
If the setting is turned on, the operating system will forcedly close all applications even if they require user actions (e.g. save a file). Such applications will be closed anyway after timeout expiration, and all unsaved data will be lost.
Lock Workstation
This setting tells xStarter not to logoff the current user, but to lock the computer instead. If the setting is turned on, "Force Applications to Close" setting does not affect xStarter in any way. None of currently running programs will be closed - all of them will remain running, but the workstation will be locked, and a password will be required for unlocking.
The setting can be used, for example, for locking out a workstation when no mouse clicks and no key pressings are detected by the system for a long time in order to avoid an unauthorized access to the computer.
Note: This option is available only for Windows NT family of operating systems.