This Action is designed for creating a backup for a list of selected files and/or folders. The backup file is represented by a ZIP archive, but its name contains date of archiving. Therefore, if a daily backup is set up, the archives will not overwrite each other, but new archives will have new unique names.This Action can be used, for example, for making daily backups of "c:\My documents" folder or database files in order to have a chance, in the future, to view the files' state for a certain date.
Files and Folders List
This is a list of files and folders to be archived.
Add Folder
When the button is clicked, a list of folders is displayed. When a particular folder is chosen and "OK" button is clicked, the folder's name is added to the list of files/folders to be archived.
Add File(s)
When the button is clicked, a list of files is displayed. When a particular file is chosen and "OK" button is clicked, the file's name is added to the list of files/folders to be archived.
When the button is clicked, the highlighted item is removed from the list of files/folders to be archived.
Backup's Folder
This is a folder where backup files will be stored in. For example, this can be "c:\Archives".
Base name of Backup
This setting contains a base name for backup files. For example, if the base name is "mydocs", then names of backup files would be:, etc.
This is a password for archive. Archive will created without password if this field is empty.